101 in 1001

The Challenge: Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria: Tasks must be specific (i.e. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (i.e. represent some amount of work on your part).

Why 1001 Days? Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple challenges such as New Year's resolutions or a 'Bucket List'. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips, study semesters, or outdoor activities.

start date: January 2, 2014
end date: September 29, 2016

1. Go one week without wearing makeup.
2. Go two months without online shopping.
3. Swim with dolphins.
4. Read one book a month for six months.
5. Go without wearing leggings/yoga pants for two weeks.
6. Give up diet coke for two months.
7. Treat my littles with something nice and sweet.
8. Cook dinner for my roommates.
9. Have a long heart to heart with a close friend.
10. Apply to four real jobs.
11. Graduated from college.
12. Go skinny-dipping.
13. Make the Dean’s List my last semester of college.
14. Give up social media for a month.
15. Go to the top of the Eiffel Tower.
16. Try four types of raw sushi.
17. Have picnic date at the park.
18. Watch all eight Harry Potter movies in one weekend.
19. Build a living room fort and sleep in it for the night.
20. Go one week without using heat on my hair.
21. Take one picture of my surroundings everyday for a month.
22. Purge my closet of old clothes.
23. Save up $5,000.
24. Watch every Marvel comic movie.
25. Post a blog everyday for a month.
26. Drink a bottle of Dom Perignon.
27. Invest in a Barbour jacket.
28. Visit four vineyards in France.
29. Find something I genuinely love to do.
30. Admit to a guy how I feel.
31. Find a signature red lipstick that works with my skin tone.
32. Find a good skin care routine that works for me.
33. Have my eyebrows shaped by a professional.
34. Work out 5 times a week for a month.
35. Lose 20 lbs (and maintain it).
36. Complete the Disney Princess half marathon.
37. Go to a drive in movie.
38. Visit four new states.
39. Reread the Harry Potter series.
40. Send six handwritten notes.
41. Attend a Redskins game and see them win.
42. Attend a UNC vs. Duke basketball game.
43. Learn how to golf.
44. Throw a dinner party for my closest friends.
45. Visit every museum in Washington, DC.
46. Go to the National Zoo.
47. Meet One Direction.
48. Get a real job.
49. Find out my blood type.
50. Sign up for CrossFit for a month.
51. Take a self defense class.
52. Attend New York Fashion Week.
53. Read The Great Gatsby.
54. Watch Breakfast at Tiffany's.
55. Get a full body massage.
56. Get a facial.
57. Attend a game for every Washington team.
58. Invest in Frye Boots.
59. Sleep under the stars.
60. Buy coffee for a stranger.
61. Donate blood three times.
62. Send flowers to a friend who's having a bad day.
63. Plant a tree.
64. Listen to every song on in my iTunes library (all 6,000+ of them).
65. Adopt a puppy.
66. Buy a car.
67. Save all of my change from day 1 until day 1001 and record how much I save.
68. Leave 22 Operation Beautiful notes in random places.
69. Eat vegetarian for a week.
70. Have dinner at Ruth's Chris Steak House.
71. Buy something from a Flea Market.
72. Have family photos taken.
73. Visit five major US cities.
74. Find my signature scent.
75. Make four crock pot meals.
76. Go one week without hitting the snooze button.
77. Take a spur of the moment road trip.
78. Get 8 hours of sleep every night for a week.
79. Send someone a surprise package.
80. Go to Mardi Gras.
81. Go on a bar crawl.
82. Grow my hair out past my boobs.
83. Go a month without Starbucks.
84. Go a month without eating out.
85. Cook dinner for my family.
86. Complete a 500 piece puzzle.
87. Read the Wall Street Journal every day for a week.
88. Go apple picking.
89. Donate $100 to charity.
90. Take part in a Habitat for Humanity build.
91. Try 10 new recipes.
92. Try 10 Pinterest DIYs.
93. Find my red wine of choice.
94. Learn to ski or snowboard.
95. Buy a FlipCam and document a vacation using it.
96. Make homemade ice cream.
97. Attend a trivia night.
98. Attend a Broadway musical.
99. Tip 100% of my bill.
100. Inspire someone else to try 101 in 1001.
101. Create a new list of 101 things to complete.

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